
Tygerberg Hospice volunteers are a critical component of the hospice program. They are the “heart of hospice.” Volunteering at our hospice is a way to enrich your own life while enriching someone else’s life in your community.

How can I volunteer at Tygerberg Hospice?

Who can be a Volunteer?

Persons who are 18 years of age or older




Working Professionals

Those who are looking to brighten someone else’s life

We recommend that prospective volunteers who have experienced the death of a close loved one wait a year before they start volunteering.

Administrative Support Volunteer

Provides office support to all departments

Assist with filing, copying, data entry, answering telephones, maintenance, mailings and other general office duties

Fundraising Volunteer

Assists in various Hospice fundraising activities

Provides assistance with the promotion of community awareness

Bereavement Support Volunteer

Offers follow-up information, companionship and grief support to the bereft families under the guidance of the Social Worker

Care Volunteer

Provides services, including visits and telephone calls, to support the best possible quality of life for patients

Shop Assistants

Is fashion your passion or is retail your thing? Then this is a great way to make friends, learn new skills and support your local Hospice.

Monday – Friday: 08h30 – 16h00
Saturday: 08h30 – 12h00
Closed Public Holidays and Sundays

Should you wish to volunteer please download the Volunteer Application Form below, complete it and email it to us